Donate to EWB Princeton
Thank you for your interest in donating to EWB-Princeton! With your help, we can ensure that the innovation of our projects and the scope of our impact are not limited by financial considerations. Any donation, small or large, will go a long way to help us continue implementing successful projects around the world and developing a new generation of leaders.
As of October 2021, we have launched a crowdfunding intiative through Engineer Without Borders USA’s platform.
Click below or here to donate!
Donate by Mail
Donations are made through and processed by our parent organization, Princeton University, and are deposited directly into our project accounts, ensuring that you will be supporting our development work abroad and our leadership and expertise development on-campus. Should you be interested in supporting our on-campus initiatives like SEADS, our Fall Speaker Series, or our annual Reunions Event, please contact us at ewb@princeton.edu.
Princeton University is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible.To donate via mail, please send a check and a brief letter of intent to the address listed below.
Please ensure that your check is made out to “Princeton University Trustees,” with “EWB Princeton” included in the memo/note section of the check. Should you want to make a donation to a specific EWB-Princeton program or initiative (e.g. Peru, Ecuador, Kenya, SEADS, etc.) please include the program or initiative name on the check and letter of intent as well.
Please send your check and letter of intent to:
Engineers Without Borders USA
High Meadows Environmental Institute
132 Guyot Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544